
Friday, July 20, 2012

how to love someone who doesn't love you back

      You will meet him at a meeting. you will like all of him - all tough hair and coloured contacts. He is going to be an asshole or a jerk or just confident, you'll spend your time trying to figure out which. He will see it fit to gift you with little acts of kindness that keep you thinking that he may someday be able to love you back. On days when he is being a jerk, you will see yourself through his eyes - all skin and bones and words that never leave your lips. You will stay because he makes everyday a mystery, everyday is a day filled with the possibility of being loved. You will play unrequited love songs over and over again till your itunes feels your pains and your shuffle understands your mood. You will listen to Frank Ocean's 'thinking about you' over and over again because only Frank gets you.

     You will enjoy being in the passenger's seat while his iphone shuffles music into the thick air between you. There is a certain closeness that listening to music that he deemed fit to put on his phone brings. your ears given privileges to peek a little into stages in his life when he stayed awake listening to that same song. You will wish that you were going somewhere farther. You will wish that you weren't one of 4 people in the car. You will fall in love between drunk conversations and sounds of puke hitting the concrete outside the club. You will be grateful for fleeting, barely audible touches on skin, on places the sun cannot see. You will be grateful for whatever you get and you should. Remind yourself frequently that he doesn't have to do this. Again, he is doing you a favour.
       You will fall in love inside tents under dark skies and air filled with yesterday's sweat and unbrushed teeth. You will hold nights like these tightly, spend nights talking to him about a God he isn't sure he believes in anymore, you're going to fall more for the lost boy who doesn't see it fit to trust his life and fate into the lives of a Creator. You hope one day you will stop calling him so much, stop waiting hours for his text message, get used to the unanswered text messages. Loving someone who doesn't love you back is an art, you have to practice often to become perfect. You have to maximise every time he deems fit to spare you. Remember, you're lucky he could spend time with you tonight. 

      Fall in love with someone who won't/can't/doesn't love you back at least once in your life, it gives you perspective. In here lies a certain kind of immortality.



  1. I'm done loving men that don't love me back. I've promised myself that I will stay single rather than be in that kind of relationship again. It's not worth it at all.

  2. I enjoyed the writing but don't agree with the sentiment. Not if I can avoid it :)

    1. Ms. Myne! I love you too! You have to check out my blog pls ? *puppy eyes* Give me feedback! would love it!


  3. Leggggggggggyyyyy!!! Hey darl! I read your blog all the time. I am a fan! I just started mine and i would love it if you can visit? How do i get followers? Pls i need some tips from you!
    About the matter at hand.. Nooo! I refuse! I echo Myne! I will avoid it! www.diaryofthehonestnigerian-americangirl.blogspot.com/

  4. Leggy I feel you on this... Everyone needs to fall in love with a jerk once... Or twice. Makes you appreciate the man who worships you, even if you don't feel anything for him, you would learn to love the man that loves you...

    So yes...everyone should fall in love with a jerk at least once... Or twice

  5. my goodness, you are great! I have done this and I am still in the process of recovery.
