The saddest thing in the world, is loving someone who used to love you
....and i seriously cannot do that to you.
time has come for me to let you go
love has come and passed us by.
in my dreams, you were so much better.
eyes as dark as the night,
laughter as strong as the wind
in my dreams,
our love was strong,
Shakespeare couldn't write a story to rival it
in my dreams,
you heart was so pure,
character so infallible
in my dreams,
we had so much sexual tension,
we discovered electricity
in my dreams,
we were cupid's best shot,
he had to retire after us
in my dreams,
you were created just for me and i for you
in my dreams,
my whole body for once was in sync,head, heart, body and soul
in my dreams,
you were my eternal love, my forever and ever
in my dreams,
i was the lightning and you were the thunder.
and we meet in the skies where dreams come through
in my dreams,
you were you and i was me
and it was that you i fell in love with in the first place
it was better in my dreams,
when life was sunny and the future, bright and certain
and then i met you,
and you said: 'pull my finger'
in my dreams, you were perfect
i should have left you there.
I'm giving up on love cause love is giving up on me.
- anonymous
anyway, i was going to write a post called 'unique little me' and then i realised that i dont really have that much that makes me unique(i thought i was the only one who slept in the nude but twitter suddenly shattered that dream for me...mscheww).
so i decided that maybe we could do a post called 'unique little blogville'..or something like that anyway.
so how it works is that you send me things that you think makes you unique and ill compile all of them and put them on my next blogpost.it doesnt matter if someone else does that thing or has that thing or says that thing as long as it makes you feel special then it is unique to you. and it doesnt have to be only things unique to you, you can tell me what you think about stuff, anything can be sent to me and ill compile them and use it for my next blogpost.
if you want to be anon with your unique stuff, then just let me know when you send the stuff that makes you unique...you can email me on leggylegs12@yahoo.com.
i hope all of you participate anyway.
best fb status:My attitude toward men who mess around is simple: If you find 'em, kill 'em.
dont forget to mail something in please.
have a great week.