took a study break by 2:40am to read the BBA5 link my friend sent me...comments made after the uti win.
so, apparently, a lot of africans who commented said that he only won because he was nigerian...(ummm...duh!you think?!)
that because a lot of nigerians work at m-net so they just gave uti the money even though the other guy won.....(chee yah, try and get more of your people into mnet now).
that no matter what happens that nigerians are still known as crooks..(sure, we're crooks, but we're rich crooks)
that its unfair because we are the most populous black country in the world so they shouldnt choose by voting...(sigh...dont forget highest number of telecommunication networks in africa so we kinda have the cellphones to vote too)
someone even said something about the size of our penis..(yeah, just like d'banj said: we are kinda endowed like that)
big brother africa is nigerian..(this one cracked me up, i mean he doesnt have to be nigerian, we are crooks, we probably just bribed him.)
because we are rich we think we can dominate africa...(yeah...sigh..sorry but if it makes you feel better, obama didnt come to our country, he went to ghana.i think thats why hes approval ratings are dropping so much btw.lol)
someone said our anthem is such an irony..(yeah, we kinda used that literary device cos we are literary geniuses like that...side eye at wole soyinka, chinua achebe, chimamada)
if our girls are so pretty why did uti go for sheila(shes apparently another contestant), someone replied this comment and said 'because nigerian girls are ugly' ..(yeah, thats why we are the only country that has produced a black miss world who also ranked 7th in the universe..yawn, very boring fact ofcourse)
nigerians are manipulative..(ummm...baby?we know.)
some of the comments:
- All 9JA people are arrogant and shallow and they think they own GOD
- he battle was between Munya & Mwisho. They have been robbed. My take would have been Mwisho.It is 419 as usual.
- True guys south africa need to wake up nigeria make money out of us. It's not a an african show but nigerian. if you guys remember if those guys none of their countries voted where are thre other vote.
Concerned |  | As far as I am concerned, this show is totally NIgerian, from producers, to Presenters to winners. It is in OSuth africa yet tehre is hardly any SOuth African srtists ever featured on teh show. Uti did not deserve to win, it was Munya;s win, except he is not NIgerian... |
p.s:ofcourse you have to take their english into consideration.
dont you just love it when other african countries hate on us?
i didnt watch the show but just reading that thread gave me an idea of what the show was like.
so apparently ghana supported us-im still in shock by this fact sha.
i wish i knew how to do a screen shot. the comments were super funny.
back to doing thermo homework, studying for statics exam and writing a paper for my english class.
i hate school.