take a minute and walk a mile
walk a mile in these shoes of mine
you think my life is perfect?
wear my shoes and find out how hard it pinches
feel the blisters and the sores
feel the hot grounds through the shoes
then wonder how i've walked for this long
you take out the time to judge me
mapping out the way you think i should live my life
thinking i should have said this, done that
walk a mile in my shoes and feel the heartaches
then next time you decide to judge me
let the hands of memories lay on your chest and remind you
you may think that you can live my life way better than i am living it
but have you walked a mile in my shoes?
i'm not going to be self-righteous and tell you that i dont judge people..cos i do..a lot.
i think 'why the heck is she wearing that?'..'why is her weave like that?'..'why the heck is she even wearing a weave?'...'why doesnt she ever smile?, why is she such a slut? why does she always curse? why cant she ever be nice? and then i think 'why does she always judge people?'..lol.
BUT...i try my possible best to remind myself that it's none of my business and move on with my life. i try my best to remind myself that i have no control over how someone lives their life or how they eat, talk, whom they sleep with..as long as it's not affecting me one way or the other then its really none of my business.
this is easier said than done..especially when you are with a group of your girlfriends and you guys are having fun it's really , really hard not to talk about other people..talk about what we heard about their love lives, talk about how we think that girl is a whore, or how that one is dumb or what we saw on facebook..it's really hard.
well, since i can't control what i think most of the times, i try very hard to control what i say..i try to keep my thoughts within me and try not to share them with friends either if i know that its prolly going to hurt someone when it gets out.
most of the times, people say stuff that hurt others and they say that they are 'calling you out on your BS'...uhhhh, most of the time the BS they are calling out is probably none of their business...
so yeah, i'm not here to tell you that im perfect and that i dont judge people...i've just decided to try and be a better person.try to be the kind of person that i would be proud of anytime and anyday.
so before i judge people, i walk a mile in their shoes...
sometimes i still go ahead and judge them
other times, i stop myself before i do.
either ways, i'm trying to be a much better person.
anyway, i wasn't going to blog till after my exams which are like in two weeks but i changed my mind for a couple of reasons.
school is seriously killing me...my chE classes are just too time demanding and i hate my chE programming class...i did my last programming homework for the term and then when i ran the program ,it wouldnt work..so this morning after my class, i met my teacher and we spent two hours trying to figure out what the heck was wrong with the program only to realise that i didnt type one letter and this particular homework is worth 10% of my final grade..so yeah.
school is crazy..im taking six classes now, and i have four more scheduled in the summer, sometimes i get so tired of trying to graduate early.sigh
on a lighter note,,i did get into the honor's fraternity that i rushed for this semester and made a whole lot of friends in the process so it was cool.
i hope everyone in blogville is doing good. didnt have time to proofread so please ignore my mistakes..and i have 94 followers already..thank you guys for helping me build my blog back after i lost it.
fave fb quote: atheists piss me off...to say that you don't believe in God means that you have to acknowledge the fact that there is a God, not to believe in.
i actually heard that phrase in a poem on def jam and then saw it on someone's status the next day, go figure.
have a great weekend. you can tell i just put together this post in a few minutes...forgive me. i'll be back soon properly.