so, im a hugeeeeeeeeeee failure at comforting my friends' broken heart and seriously, im single.what the heck do you expect?!i've never been heartbroken so i definitely have no clue what they are going through and to tell you the truth some of them just get on my nerves.
they cry and say things like:'i'll never find happiness again'.please, you're 19-20..freaking snap out of it.
'he said he'd always be there'- sigh, seriously?do i even need to comment?
'i cant believe he slept with her, he said he would wait for me to be ready'--thats how he kept himself busy while he waited dear.
'she's not even that pretty'---yeah, sweetheart, im sorry to break it to you, she is.
'he didnt deserve me'-sigh, the classic line.
and then the famous facebook breakup because if its not on facebook, its not official yet.
so and so went from 'in a relationship' to 'single'.
and then ofcourse the girl's friends will comment and go
'he didnt deserve you anyway'--ummm, why didnt you tell her before she got into the relationship
'oneday, you will find someone who will cherish and love you'--oooo--kkaaayyy.
'i cant believe he went into another relationship 5mins after you guys broke up'--amebo, wayy to rub it in.even i am not that insensitive.
i love my friends so ofcourse these are all what i think not what i say.
so i say things like 'dont worry dear, you'll be fine'. recently, we were like a team of 4 and someone stole my line!so you know how everyone says something and then you're left there cracking your brain, so i googled..'things to tell your friend when she is heartbroken'.
so i personally had the best line that night...i quoted the genius that yahoo answers be:
is he really worth all these tears?one day you're going to look back and wonder why you even wasted those tears.
and she burst into more tearsmeaning i did succeed in reaching out to her.
results:blowing up my phone in the middle of the night whenever she cried.sigh.i should have stuck with my classic line 'you'll be fine' cos they always turn out to be anyway
how you guys doing?
this is a little rushed and i couldn't proofread.
they cry and say things like:'i'll never find happiness again'.please, you're 19-20..freaking snap out of it.
'he said he'd always be there'- sigh, seriously?do i even need to comment?
'i cant believe he slept with her, he said he would wait for me to be ready'--thats how he kept himself busy while he waited dear.
'she's not even that pretty'---yeah, sweetheart, im sorry to break it to you, she is.
'he didnt deserve me'-sigh, the classic line.
and then the famous facebook breakup because if its not on facebook, its not official yet.
so and so went from 'in a relationship' to 'single'.
and then ofcourse the girl's friends will comment and go
'he didnt deserve you anyway'--ummm, why didnt you tell her before she got into the relationship
'oneday, you will find someone who will cherish and love you'--oooo--kkaaayyy.
'i cant believe he went into another relationship 5mins after you guys broke up'--amebo, wayy to rub it in.even i am not that insensitive.
i love my friends so ofcourse these are all what i think not what i say.
so i say things like 'dont worry dear, you'll be fine'. recently, we were like a team of 4 and someone stole my line!so you know how everyone says something and then you're left there cracking your brain, so i googled..'things to tell your friend when she is heartbroken'.
so i personally had the best line that night...i quoted the genius that yahoo answers be:
is he really worth all these tears?one day you're going to look back and wonder why you even wasted those tears.
and she burst into more tearsmeaning i did succeed in reaching out to her.
results:blowing up my phone in the middle of the night whenever she cried.sigh.i should have stuck with my classic line 'you'll be fine' cos they always turn out to be anyway
how you guys doing?
this is a little rushed and i couldn't proofread.
LOL...what would we do without the internet? Hmm...maybe soon someone else will be quoting yahoo answers for you. Hehhehe..
heart break is the focus right?
I still don't know what it means.
But now i can bitch along with girls when they say 'guys are so unpredictable'
I don't have an opinion because i officially don't know how it feels.
Anyone who makes me promises will keep em'
My ex' was too sweet.
heart break is the focus right?
I still don't know what it means.
But now i can bitch along with girls when they say 'guys are so unpredictable'
I don't have an opinion because i officially don't know how it feels.
Anyone who makes me promises will keep em'
My ex' was too sweet.
buahahahahaha this was hilarious for some reason you remind me of Fabulola ..just a younger version!
I never know what to say. Thank God I don't have many friends that have been broken hearted ..
Even if you do experience it ..God forbid..the best thing to say is 'You will be fine' because they will! Unless they decide to commit suicide or something :/
*sigh* anyways I always advice my younger friends never to get into relationships too young ...unless you got good sound 'mature' advice around you. IMO
lol...at least u had 2 say something to your friend
Lol. U went on google for that? Lmao
Yeah, they all turn out fine. Hearts will mend themselves in time
Um I usually don't talk, I just bring the ice cream and movies about women shooting men.
"he didnt deserve you anyway'--ummm, why didnt you tell her before she got into the relationship"
OMG, leggy, I would love to meet you. You are so funny. How have you been?
That facebook part is not funny eh. One of my younger sisters put her relationship status on facebook including the name of the guy. when she told me, i told her to REMOVE it immediately. I told her when they are married, she can put it up there - that is when it makes more sense.
@Vanity - I like the part of the movies...never thought of that.
hey Leggy you are hilarious lol.....
I virtually had to run down here to shout,"oh yes,it is"!!!
funny post :))
Lol, you'll now be the go to person for comforting the heartbroken, sorry!
I cant believe you went to google for that!
You are sth else I SWEAR!
funny post..google is definitely your friend,anytime...
I like this post. I'm the same way.
You can only tell sb that she'll be fine so many times before you start to get annoyed. But, it's their pain, right? They need to cry it out.
And yahoo answers has an answer for almost everything lol.
Leggy.. Ke kwanu?
lol I feel u jare..
You sure do know how to crack me up!
you just made my day with things. Google is most definately our friend
LOL! This is hilarious... And yeah, next time stick to you'll be fine... it's what I do. :)
Life neva swings in one direction bbz..
Google rocks!!!!!
Ice cream and you'll be fine will do next time.
I wonder why my friends never came to me for consolation.
*scratching my head*
LMAO, I can't believe you googled. I ain't mad at that o jare.
Google is definitely your friend...lol I liked how its worked for you. Hope you're good leggy.
i dont even know why people keep girlfriends cos i dont need them.
they are only there to either see u prosper and associate with u or see u go down and say,i saw it coming.
i gotta meet u someday gurl. lmao
Lol pele hehe some girls are just extra like that. But then I haven't experienced heart break either. Well hmmm... not really anyway
Google is my best friend. I tried Bing and I was like ....
Nogo xx
that sounds really really really scary!!!!!!!!!!!! you're not supposed to stay with a man unless you want to have lots of children happening to you whether you get abortions or sterilizations becomes very important to happen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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