i went from:
i can only date nigerians.
i cant stand nigerians, i doubt ill marry one.
i cant date other africans either. i rarely even talk to other africans.
i can't date someone of a different race.it's a waste of time and my parents would kill me if i did.
what they dont know won't hurt them.
being invited to watch a movie with him after midnight on saturday. he rented 'something new'. subtle much?
oh.what the hell?!he's cute and i like him.ill just go with the flow.
we might be different shades of colours...
but i cant help falling in love with you (cue elvis presley's voice).
hey blogville.
i've been terribly busy this semester. i'm taking 6 classes, 19 hours and four engineering classes. but its been okay so far.just woke up to do my CE( i dont know why chEs are required to take a CE class) homework and decided to update my blog.
this is basically what has been going on in my life.
i never drink alcohol but last week during lunch at one of my oyinbo friend's house we ate with white wine and i fell in love. back home, i'd only had red wine(which i hate) so im glad i found a brand of alcohol that i actually like.
i got a macbook pro.so far i love it, i cant code in excel though cos apparently stupid mac excel doesnt support VBA.which is kind of stupid but the next excel office by mac is apparently going to.
sorry for the long hiatus people.
eat well(i've been eating like a cow lately), sleep(i cant remember the last time i got a good night's sleep), love(rolling eyes) and pray(i need to start doing this more often).
Long time no see o... Hope the work isn't too much sha. I am still in my "no oyinbo" phase sha. I just don't see it happening...
Yay! That's what happens as we get older and add more experiences to our lives. We become less rigid in our way of thinking.
Hang in there kid - the semester is going to end before you know it. Ciao!!!
Hang in there
I am still in my no white people faze. But hispanics are welcome. Nigerians sometimes annoy me too
Lol funny post, mehn school is getting hectic.. Have a nice time
Happy your well...xx
all the best with school dear.
Eat pray sleep love and study too..good luck with the oyinbo...
"i've been terribly busy this semester....falling in love with 'him' (cue elvis presley's voice)."
Not to worry, tis perfectly understood.
long time..that's the beauty of experience.
Hang in there, all the best with school.
Oyibo or blacky love doesnt have a colour code....
Good luck with your guy friend...
Hi Leggy!
Good luck with school!
awww you'e back! :D
all the best with school...nigerian can be annoying but what can one do...follow you heart dear and take care
all the best with school babes
you chem engineers lol from my friends here in the UK I hear that degree course is stressful! You'll come out on tops IJN...Um v. jealous about ur macbook, even if it cant code!
I told myself once I would never date a Nigerian. And lo and behold...
Hope your classes are going well
I jealous your macbook
Nogo xx
Havent been here in awhile. Hang in there my dear :)
Havent been here in awhile. Hang in there my dear :)
Havent been here in awhile. Hang in there my dear :)
it's not good idea to be married to anyone at all!!!!!!!!! it is that bad in america!!!!!!!!! stay single and get sterilized asap!!!!!!!!!!!!! you don't want that to haunt you the rest of your life!!!!!! take care of yourself and get back in touch with nigeria all the time!!!!!
they won't tell you how they really think about people!!!!! so be very afraid of america!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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