- i can't remember the last time i cried.i really can't. i just hold all these things inside me and one day it just gets too much and i end up pouring all my anger on someone who did something very little thing to me.
- a lot of my friends want to know if i'm presently in a relationship and i haven't said anything confirming or denying it because a lot of my previous alliances didn't work out cos i couldn't bare having people in my business. i know people are going to comment and tell me that people are always going to talk about me.yeah, but i've learnt how to control what they get to talk about.
- i'm not a very spontaneous person. i over think things. one day, i'd just like to let go and do what i feel not what i think is right.
- a guy i almost dated told me recently that i'll never find someone like him. isn't that the point? i told him: 'dude, if i wanted someone like you i wouldn't have turned you down'. like seriously people, just because you asked me out and i said no and you finally get a girlfriend doesn't mean you immediately become hot commodity. i did not want you then, i certainly do not want you now.
- i know a lot of people are talking about this whole 21st thing. i know a lot of people are making fun of it and i think its phony but i am still low key scared. i think deep down everyone kinda is.
- a friend of mine suddenly stopped talking to me recently. like he just up and stopped talking to me. i don't know why. he texted me out of the blues yesterday and when i asked him why he said and i quote 'you are quite distracting'. he wouldn't explain. i simply decided to take it as a compliment.
- there is an article that states why black women are less attractive than any other race. this is why my kids will NEVER grow up in america, not because of anything else but just cos of self esteem. that article didnt bother me cos i grew up in a place where black is generally considered beautiful so a few words won't wipe off 17 years of living in nigeria. even if they are born here, i am shipping them off to a school in nigeria. in my high school so many yankee and jand kids were shipped back home to go to my school so i will definitely do that to my kids. i don't know why you would think telling an entire race of women that they are inferior is needed for the advancement of science.
- i want to get rid of my black berry, i do not like that phone. i can not wait for the iphone 5 to come out this summer, time to upgrade my iphone!!!
- i have a friend who i've known forever and i've had a crush on him forever. i know we will never date but flirting has never done anyone bad. we like each other, we are just not compatible at all!! he is cute though, like the sexiest guy ever. in HS, we used to call him sexy, yes, that was his nickname 'sexy'.lol.
- have you ever asked a guy out? like to the movies or anything? if yes, i'd like to know how that went. just curious.
i'm so sorry i haven't posted in a while, but it's summer so i'll definitely step up my game.
it's so good to be back.
~ a good poem is like finding a hole in a palace wall, never knowing what you might see - tukaram.
yes, you're back :)
i asked a guy out, he was working in a shop. turned out he had a GF. but im glad i did it, he was too hot. besides, next time i wont be so scared, just a tiny bit.
glad you're back :D
First the whole 21st thing. I am not a bit scared. I saw when the dude predicted 3years ago. I wrote a 'future email' to myself to remind me back then. the mail came in last week.
THe same dude predicted some years back and it failed. You know, that day, I'd sit with a coke and some pop corn and watch the tv. It just doesn't make sense. The same book where all these 'things' were deduced from states that Jesus himself doesn't know the day or the hour. So some dude comes and says he knows. Well, that's for that.
You should totally throw away your Blackberry. Its a crappy device. Okay I use one but then...
I am not sure if sending your kids to a Nigerian school is a good idea. Honestly. That's a long story for another day. ...Well if you ask.
I think its cool when a lady asks a guy out. You just never know what the guy has planned. ;)
lol....erm erm erm....im till lowkey scared too. Im being good , just in case!
Woot! Woot! It's been ages , dnt leave me hanging again :,( lol
I cry a lot so i cnt relate to keeping everything in. I think u shld cry more often cos it does wonders. It has definitely helped relieve my anger on so many occasions.
I am also not spontaneous. I'm working on that though. I tend to be more daring and ready for anything if i'm with friends, but if its jst me, i'll overthink every single detail of an action i take.
yeah i'm making fun of the 21st thingy too... and yeah deep down we are all wondering too *i think*
In other news, welcome back :)
It's scares me as too.. When I talk with my friends about it I told them that it's nothing but behind my mind what if it is true?
a guy also told me something similar... and then he said that if i date someone less than him it'll be a shame *SMH*
Had to come over after seeing your comment on my blog. Welcome back.
Well 21 is here and gone, now it's Oct.
Ask the guy out, I did once and turned out he was just bidding his time. We went to see 300, great!
I was reading through everything then i saw I phone 5. Are you serious? This summer, i just got the I phone 4 : ( . Wow you can't remember when you cried..
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