- do not feed me pizza. i don't care how amazing it is or how that little place in austin got featured on 'great little eats', i don't care if we're in italy and i just 'must try the pizza, it's italy'. you are not allowed to feed me pizza. i think my hate for pizza has something to do with the first and only time i watched porn...there was a pizza delivery boy.
- i never shave my legs. this makes it sound like i shave it sometimes so let me rephrase. i have never shaved my legs and do not intend to start anytime soon, so feel free to grow that non-existent moustache you've always wanted to grow since primary 5.
- i am that girl who never gets hit on in nigerian clubs. more importantly, i am that flat, tall girl who is not supposed to be in heels and cannot dance at the back of the club. i look awkward and i fail at trying to be sexy. disregard the makeup on my face if any, my friends put it on me.
- i do enjoy cooking, so you will sit through every single horrible food i put out and you will tell me how amazing they are.
(blink twice if you're lying, so that i never serve that again). i love baking cupcakes, they are so pretty but i hate how they taste, so yeah, you will be required to finish them off and still be in shape.
- you will learn how to cook.
- i really do not mind doing your laundry, if you do not mind doing mine.
- i adore 'moulin rouge' and you will sit there and watch it with me AND sing along. this is not a compromise. you will pretend to like it.
- i will sit through your footballs, basketballs and american footballs. i did not say i would watch them with you. i said i'd sit through them. interpret that in whatever way you deem fit.
- i need you tall.
- we will argue. you will tell me the things i do that annoy you so that i can keep doing them. you will hate me at some point, that's cool too.
- you will agree that fried yam>>>fried plantain. this is all we need for a successful relationship. just this. this is number one on my 'things i need in a boyfriend list'.
- knowing me, you're probably benin or hausa or white...just to piss my aunties off.
- we will eventually break up or get married. 2 options. just 2 options.
- you will love me. enough for both of us. you will need all of that to keep me. i want to be kept.
Got me laughing at some points, lol...but don't rule out Pizza and shaving your legs :)
i as well laughed through this. yes shaving of the legs can be such a hassle, pizza is good though :) also depends on what is on it, i like them tall too.
I like this. Mine would be too long though. www.shanahfied.blogspot.com
I never shave my legs. I did once, and I wondered what point I was trying to prove, so I have never done that again. And, point of contention, jo oh, fried plantain>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>fried yam
And I love your blog, will follow!
You're the third Nigerian on my bloglist. Its crazy that after a year of searching, I seem to have found where all the Nigerians are at :)
loooooool! this post is amusing!
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