never have i ever called someone a bastard
never have i ever had sex
never have i ever failed an exam
never have i ever loved a boy
never have i ever had a boyfriend
never have i ever gotten drunk
never have i ever masturbated
never have i ever travelled to canada
never have i ever insulted a teacher
never have i ever liked a guy younger than me
never have i ever asked a guy out
never have i ever been suspended
never have i ever taken nude pictures of myself
never have i ever sexted either
never have i ever fainted
never have i ever tried smoking
never have i ever owed someone money
never have i ever cried over anyone
never have i ever cried infront of people who arent family
never have i ever thought of killing myself
never have i ever slept over at a guy's house before
never have i ever been depressed
never have i ever given a blowjob
never have i ever said kmt before
never have i ever shaved my legs(i have absolutely no hair on my body)
never have i ever repeated a class
never have i ever lied against someone
this is a very fun party game.
okay, these were the things i could think of that i had never done.
you guys have to tell me two things that you have never done.
school is ridiculously hard this semester, ive got a physics test on wednesday that ive been trying to study for.i have a party to attend this night so i hope i have fun and it takes some of the stress away.hopefully.
you guys enjoy your weekend. ill be back real soon. spring break will be here soon.
dont forget to tell me two things that you have never ever done.
fave fb status: people claim that they are friends with their ex...im never friends with someone who put anything inside me..their penis or their tongue.
1st!!! Never ever given a blow job, never ever shaved my legs too, that one is to cut my skin. Have fun at your party
never have I ever tried smoking..
never have I ever relaxed my hair..
loads of things to be done...plenty of time... loved the fb status, hilarious shit, lmao
Never have I kissed a girl...
Never have I smoked marijuana...
Too many "Nevers" to mention... One I am not willing to change is "Never have I kissed a girl" sha... I no adventurous reach that level...
lol at the FB status
LOL I have never kissed on a first date, I have never slept at a guys house.
ah, nevers..best thing to do is think them over and do the right ones..
all the best in ur test...and i love the fb status, as usual
Never fallen in love
Never had any type of sex
Enjoy the party, you deserve a break
never have i ever played this game
never have i ever partied into newyear
Never done almost all you mentioned.
Lol @ FB status, all the best in your test..xx
lol @ the fb stat...
Gud luck with ur semester n ave fun at d party!
there's a lot of nevers on my side lol. Digging the facebook status as well:P My ex and I are "trying" to be friends...in the form of random text messages and him showing up at events I organize. oh well!:P
...Hmmmm Well lets see..
I havent killed myself. and err...
*scratches head*
Well I havent...poured drink on someone.
Yet ofcourse.
never have i ever done a lot of things on your list :) which ones, your guess is as good as mine. Once again the fav fbook status is just hilarious!!!!! Seriously btw, you havent cried infront of non family members? your close friends?
Never have you had a blow job? Since when did women start getting blow jobs. Leggy is there something ur not telling us? i.e that ur a man??
Lemme see, well never have I seen some hot chic and not achieved an instant erection. I know, I know. It's not even funny.
Oh, Leggy, I actually should do this!
Never ever have I smoked before!
Is it okay to take this to my blog?
lol...nice. tell us about ur party sha o...
em lemme see..
never have i repeated a class
never have i touched a dog or snake or etc *scared of animals/reptiles/anytin not human*
lol...nice. tell us about ur party sha o...
em lemme see..
never have i repeated a class
never have i touched a dog or snake or etc *scared of animals/reptiles/anytin not human*
i confess that i have never smoked
i have never thought of suicide
That i have never given up on my problems
That i have never driven drunk
Never ever have I gone paintballing
Never ever have I gotten engaged
Never have i ever had casual sex
Never have i ever gotten dumped
You know, I cant even think of something I've never done and thats scary..
FB status really makes sense..
Great post..
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"never have i ever" - lol.
*sigh* I don't know what I never have ever done
i have never owned a pair of contacts
i have never had a credit card
i would hat eto play this game for real. i feel like with some things I'd be forced to lie. lol
I love Gossip Girl though :)
Never smoked or failed an exam too. That FB status, LWKMD!
never ever have i ever had sex in a public place..
never have i ever given a blow job..
lol.. great post. check my new blog.
lol at the fb status
never have i... plenty things!
have fun :)
Lol...Nice Post! Wish I'd never done some things on ur list............
Wow.. the only thing ont hat list that I have never done is repeated a class. I feel strange now. Oh wait I'm like twelve years older than you. I will console myself by saying you still have time to catch up with me :P
Never have I... damn this is hard
Never have i killed anyone
Never have I been married...
LOL!! yes that was the best i could come up with. I've done a lot of interesting things in my life
wow! a long list of nevers you've got there!
wow a lot of nevers on your side..
never have I had contacts or glasses
never have I ever smoked
It's kinda weird to me though, whoever thought me this game must have done a bad job, cos he said "you say things you have done before like 'bad' things but put never have I ever before that"
Am sure I probably told him my whole life there.
never have I ever been drunk
never have I ever seen titanic (the movie)...
never have I ever been drunk
never have I ever had sex (not because i'm pure i'm scared, and I want to wait as long as I can)
most of what you have pretty much except boyfriend called someone a bastard (the person insulted my mum don't judge me,lol)
and @ sugarking she said "given" not gotten a blow job,lol (i had to go back and make sure) for a sec I was like eh? we're young leggy we still have time to get rid of those "nevers"
lmaooooo at sugarking! ds dude is disturbed!
hey thats heaps good! I love that you are proud of that and now there are so many other people who are speaking out about things they should be proud about, but society tells them to keep secret.
p.s i haven't shaved my legs either :S :)
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