i have a crush on a friend of mine who is in an LDR. he's very smart and he makes me laugh. we have an awesome friendship so im not planning on ruining it.

sometimes i have doubts. about the Bible, about many things some people believe i should just believe and never question. i try to be a good person, im very honest, i try very hard not to be rude to people and mind my own business. but still i have doubts. oh, i do believe that there is a God but sometimes, Christians make it so hard for me to believe that He is a merciful God.

i can so relate to that quote up there.

i believe that one of the worst ways to kill a girl with words is to tell her she's ugly so i try hard not to do it.that doesnt mean i dont do it....i just try not to.

i miss home so much. i miss my mum and my dad and my siblings. i miss my house above all. i miss mtn and glo...i miss credit sharing between phones, i miss...a lot of things and people.and food..dont get me started.

sometimes people who claim that they are outspoken are just plain rude, in my opinion.

the dark scares me. cant sleep with the lights off. im in college and i cant sleep with the lights off. i never dream, ever.is that weird?

i've liked and i've crushed. i want someone to love without the pain.

what would i do without my friends? they always fight for me first, then ask questions later in private. friends who fight and expose their dirty laundry in public are very immature.

Japanese boys are unnecessarily hot. me thinks. especially in my school. my friends think im attracted to asians, not really, i just appreciate.

i love tastefully done nude pictures. after reading debaucheries's post on sleeping naked...i feel like a hag.i sleep naked but ive never thought that.awesome piece.
p.s: hers was the first post i ever read on blogville.
this blog<---- inspired this post. she just writes for herself and i miss that. i like blogging but i miss the days when i LOVED it. im going to start blogging for the fun of it again.
fave fb status:It's 11:11pm Babe, make a wish. It’s sort of a custom of ours and I always ask to know what he wishes for and he always never tells me. I had yet another bad day today but I still went,“It’s 11:11 Babe, make a wish.” He took my hand, closed his eyes and then kissed me. I didn’t have to ask.
^^^a friend wrote that about her boyfriend, i thought it was sweet, my friends thought it was cheesy but i still decided to share.
have a great weekend. summer school is killing me.i love my poetry class though, its awesome.cant wait to take creative writing next semester.i always take 19hours in order to take these classes that have nothing to do with my major and doesnt count towards helping me graduate but i still always love these classes.
im taking statics, econs, poetry and physics(my last ohysics, thank God), this summer..its killing me.
have a great night.peace.
ha---i actually like d status---it made me smile!
i like the status also!...its cute!
aww u have a crush!...sux dat he's a good friend n he's in a LDR
just wanted to say that u shouldn't based ur Christianity on others...aim to have a personal relationship with God
awwww hang in there gurl... you are almost at the last lap... all these painful hours, before you know it... it will be over!
Yeah... 'Christians' make it hard to believe, i agree... i hate the 'religion' stigma personally, but i like to think of being a follower of Christ as being in a relationship with Christ, on the inside... according to scripture, and not as people act or do.
Gud luck with summer school :)
I don't think you should believe and never question. I think you can question because there are answers. They just might not be what you thought/wanted to hear or in the places you'd expect. If you believe there is a God, just ask him to show you the way and trust that he will keep his word.
Love this post. Someone may love you with everything they have, but sometimes even that isn't enough. Abeg what is on that plate of food because I can't tell what it is, lol. I'm afraid of the dark too, but I can't sleep with lights in my eyes! What to do? Night lights aka laptop light!
find it difficult sleeping naked, love the status...have it when people expect us not to question religion...I have questioned my religion and even thought the truth might not be what i want to hear but i still get my answers
I like this post. I can't sleep naked o even if I'm alone I'll tink someone woud come in.lol
I like the pictures :)
I think it is important to question but without doubt. I hope that makes sense. I guess you're supposed to believe then support your belief with information. I think we all go through that, at least some of us do, at one point or another, not being sure.
Take Care
Nogo xx
love your pix
they are thoughtful!
I miss home and family too. That status is smiley cheesy. LOL. Have a great weekend too and share some of your poetry class.
The status is very cheesy but very sweet at the same time.
I miss home too..:(
I believe the quote about love.
I love photography. I love tastefulyl done nude photo's
I wish I could write like you.
I hardly sleep with the lights off either, especially when I'm alone. And yes, Japanese and Korean boys are unnecessarily hot :)
That's such a sweet status message... Plus, asian guys are pretty cute. Lots of them in my school
I totally loved the random..
The way you combined it all..
You really do great work..
Your such a beautiful girl. I know I haven't seen you but your words express that.
I love the pictures! I may steal a few :p
I love Chinese and Japanese guys too! Aww they are adorable I had a few on my masters course hehe
All the best in summer school hun. I did stats as a module and all I can say is *hand down throat* I did not like it!
Poetry classes? cool I'm starting to appreciate poetry! I think my best friend got me into it ..
Have a lovely summer
I always love the pictures you post...speaks alot
Love this post: some of the things you wrote I can relate to... Love the pictures as well, they are so relevant....
Love this post: some of the things you wrote I can relate to... Love the pictures as well, they are so relevant....
omg.. i love my asian guys. I want an asian baby sooo bad
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