.....'toasting' was much, much fun.
cheesy lines made the days of 12, 13 and 14 year olds from the 'ill love you till sugar stops being sweet' to 'i stood by the ocean and cried and a tear fell into the ocean and until that drop of tear is found i shall never stop loving you'- wetin you dey do for near ocean in the first place abeg?
the letters telling you how they love you and want you to be their girlfriends..and they expect you to reply immediately telling them yes, no or maybe. of course before they hand you the letter, they show the subtle signs that they like you, pulling out chairs for you, always sticking up for you or copying your notes(i used a lot of boys in my jss days for this) then the letters come.
of course, you first read the letter then proceed to consult all 46 of your friends on whether you should say yes or no, now your answer depends on the class you are in, jss1 girls are still in that self-righteous stage where having a boyfriend is a 'sin' but if your friends have passed that stage, they'll proceed to tell you if they like or dislike him , or if he smells, or if he is a dummy.
you are officially a big girl if an upperclassman asks you out, omG, you become a celebrity over night, you are suddenly deemed worthy of womanhood, but if asked out by an underclassman..uhhh, your status falls like mad! of course, in high schools when we are still pretentious SOBs, we never ask out guys of course, oh sure, you can make out with them but never ask them out. of course, if no boy at all has ever asked you out...that means you are that person who no one likes or everyone thinks is so holy and wears that long skirt and long socks to school.
if you get asked out by an FBI, you are at an all time high, FBI in my school stands for 'fine boys international', these were the very, very, dreamy hot guys whose parents were of course rich and they gave the best girlfriend gifts and girls were always fighting over them and they were all in ss3.
i remember when this girl who was in jss3 when i was in ss2 asked out an FBI guy and the whole school started hating on her cos she did the most random things to try and get the guy, she bought him gifts(which he proceeded to return), hid letters in his bag, the whole school used to mock her and call her 'cheap' and all sorts of names until she couldn't take it anymore and transferred to queen's college. needless to say, we missed her.lol
if you happen to meet them on the street and they proceed to 'pfft' at you to stop and you so happen to stop they have to spit their best lines in order to get you to meet them again. most times the guys you meet through this process are razz and they'd proceed to spit up lines like: 'i want to know your name and your yard' or ' i just spy you from across the way and fell in love'--na so dem dey fall in love?
i miss those days when just a trip to mr. biggs would suffice as a date, when everyone was shy and valentine day was a day to show that you are a big girl and you are well-liked.
i miss those days when no one dumps you over the phone and they come up with really awesome lines to dump you, i dont think i ever heard the whole 'it's not me, it's you line' before, my friend's boyfriend in jss3 actually told her 'i have used you, now i'm dumping you'--->DEAD!!
then the cell phone came out and boys stopped using their brains to come up with lines, why should they when they sold a collection of sms recycled text messages for less that 100naira and parents started becoming suspicious and reading their kids' text messages(i had a parent come to my school to warn a boy off her daughter!!), and girls spent more time fronting and frustrating boys when yes, no or maybe used to be the only three options, then boys had to buy you recharge cards to prove that they actually like you and then letter writing took the back sit and nowadays when you meet guys on the street they proceed to collect your number instead of trying to convince you there and then that they like you.
i remember when an army man stopped me, get this, i was just 15, and he proceeded to spit all his rubbish and then gives me his card, as i turned and started walking home i dropped the card into the nearest dumpster, only to hear the man yell 'hey you!!' to which in response i pulled up my pants and took off!!
i'm a big sucker for technology but i miss my jss1 - jss3 days(i got a phone in my ss1) when i used to get letters and proceed to read them out loud to my sisters who in turn made fun of the boys.
a friend of mine who i went to secondary school with asked me out for the 9th time in 8years last week, like seriously, i keep wandering when this boy will give up, i didnt agree in jss1 what makes him think i'll agree as a junior? this boy has asked me out every year without fail.
i hope you guys are having an awesome week cos i'm not, i had to take a statics and physics test this week and then i have a paper due and an economics test on thursday.sigh.
p.s:i know this post is all over teh place but hopefully, you get the gist and all the things here are based off my school so dont get all personal if thats not how it happened in yours.
fave facebook status:
person on fb: i love him so much because he loves me too
commenter: must have a lot of love in him cos he's spreading it all out nicely to other girls.
yeah, do you guys like my template?im experimenting! :-)
Firstttttttttttttttttttttttt off to read
Lmao @ I have used u and now am dumping u..
YUup sounds like something I would say..
Leggs I like reading ur posts, very sweet..
But to be honest lol, I always keep on thinking that one day ur eyes go SHINE!!!..
I won't qualify that statement before somebody will say am asking for drama, but I still keep thinking that.
One day your eyes go SHINE!!
Ha... I cannot relate o (I prefer not to elaborate on why, lol), but I can imagine sha. Biko when did you become a junior? Chei! This our leggy don grow o! Lol
I love him so much because he loves me too?? How old is this girl?
Nice template, but I don't think it matches the name (or subject) of your blog.., but that's just me sha
I agree with you Azazel lol.
RIP to pre technology days.
The template is exactly like mine...so I guess I like it.
lmao @ I want to know your name and your yard.
I remember all those stupid texts with sth along the lines of if you read this, you like me, if you reply, you love me and if you don't you can't live w/o me or sth like that. like seriously?
I really liked this post. It made me smile a lot.
I LOVE THE TEMPLATE!! It's the first thing I thought even before I read. Maybe because I love green?
I don died here yo! Hahahaha!!! OMD thanks for bringing all those memories back yo...
Asked you out for the 9th time...? Talk about perseverance.
Template's not bad too.
Nice template... *sigh* yeah secondary school days... college does kinda make u miss 'em... Good luck with ur upcoming tests...
now this is serious...I have used u and now am dumping u..
memories...template is nice, must say blogger has really stepped up.all the best in your test
Why did you run away from the army guy? did you think he was going to beat you up?
not a big fan of d template.
I smiled through most of this post, so many good memories. I miss those days too.
Azazel don dey try again o, lol.
lmao @ consulting 46 friends, i remember doing that, there was always the one random "christian" friend that would say "hmmm, boyfriends in secondary school, tufiakwa". and then those stupid sms, I remember one daft guy sent the exact same one to my friend and i, smh
haha! I can relate a thousand times...those were the good ol' relationship days...
that brought back some good memories..when boys could spin yarns and write long-winded letters..lol..
i perfer this template to the last..meanbe cos it's green..like it
Nice post . . . I wish cell phones were gone too; then we'd have fun looking at our letters over and over again without bothering about the annoying telecommunications company that has a record of our messages. Yup, I miss those days!
Aww that was a very sweet post! When I read stuff like this, I wish I went to HS in Naija..:( #Sad!
lol.. this is soo true sha. This is the girl who got the international guys *cough cough*
hahahaha, I loved this post.
We miss those days. Its funny our parents will say their puppy lov those days was sweeter/ cuter/ simple but less sophisticated.
LOL@ the facebook status.
*sigh* pre-tech days were so simple n fun!!!!
lol @ the facebook status...lmbo
btw, i like the new template!
Like your new template;
You're too gifted in writing...
I loved the post all the way..
Had a so-so week myself..
Have a wonderful weekend
cute template
pre-technology days no-no abeg
loves now
how r u?
i luv the template....am all for tech aided luv ...but the post took me down memory lane
I loved this post leggy!! brings back so many memories.
thanks 4 d memories.
1st time here.cool blog!
I remember when one taiye-taiwo-looking bobz walked up to me n was like 'can i conversate with you?'
'i have used you, now i'm dumping you' has got to be the coldest break-up line ever! lmao. hope your friend isnt scarred for life or sth sha...
lol @ the facebook status part tho, that commenter's rather mean!
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