i was born in Nigeria, did i tell you that?
that part of Africa where the sun sets
the land of the dark-skinned, of the Negroids
rhythmic scenes of childhood flash by
the sounds of the laughter and cries fill my head
familiar voices waiting to come into consciousness
scary dreams deep in the hot, dark night
the evil night that filled many childhood stories
memories of the many tortoise fables under the full moon
being passed from one hand to another,
pretty names, they called i, the little light-skinned baby;
lying through their teeth
i was born into a family where a baby was never called ugly, you see.
grew up in Nigeria, yes, i did.
father's scent fill my nose as i remember.
his legs tapping on the ground
as he tries and fails in vain to master the intricate movement of dance
mother's laughter ring out in my head
mocking father with a twinkle in her eyes.
the aroma of the soup boiling over,
feet stomping on the stairs;running for food
mother shouting in the beautiful language of the igbo tribe
yes, i grew up in Nigeria.
sounds beautiful doesn't it?
a life painted with the reflective colours of words
when i go back to the numerous scenes of adolescence
i laugh, i cry, i edit my memories like a pack of gum, i didn't like all the flavors
angry words spoken, the numerous tears shed.
they never understood me - mother, father and the whole world.
i left Nigeria, did i mention that?
numerous nights ago
and just as if i was the pillar holding it all together;
everything fell apart
the world turned their backs on us
our leaders use us as the pawns in their games of turmoil
the beloved setting of my childhood,
curses rain down on the land by her children.
we leave in trodes and large numbers
my beloved birthplace,
her trees like an old woman;s breast wither and die
her kids killing each other because they don't worship together
blood means nothing anymore in my birthplace,
corruption dances in the village squares,
while money has become a known orator.
hope tries to hold tight in the people's heart,
love left a long time ago without a backward glance.
i am Nigerian, did you know that?
as night approaches with silence,
i lay on the bed and waste in tears
praying for the better tomorrow
praying for the safety of my memories
in my beloved birthplace.
im nigerian, did you know that?
fave fb. status: Just be there for the rebound and dry her tears with your cock"
ill do the unique bloggers post for my next post.
tell me what you think about the poem.
have a very good weekend.
geaux saints!!who dat!!!
Nigerian and proud...love it...love the fb quote as well
Hahahahhahahahahahah @ that fb status...
Omg hahahaahhaha and as for unique bloggers post..
Lemme just put it this way, if I don't appear on it..
The red sea will part again for the 2nd time. Jk
But yep, Nigerian and proud.. Whoop Whoop
Favourite line has to be "i laugh, i cry, i edit my memories like a pack of gum, i didn't like all/ the flavors"... Don't know why that one just got to me. I guess we all do that with Naija when we are not home. We remember the suya, the music and the friends but selective amnesia blurs out the power failure and the annoying policemen on our roadsides...
Looking forward to the next post (as always :D) LOL at the status as well... Jokers...
Word Leggy...
i am 9ja and proud..
wow leggy,dis is so beautifuly painted. i am fiercly nigerian and love my place of birth. DAT FB STATUS IS INSANE. LMSBO
love the poem.
Proudly Nigerian
my darling Long Legs..
I loved this ..Your are Nigerian ..U read to go back ?
Love love love the poem!!! It felt like I was there...beautiful!!!
lmbo @ the fb status...lolllllll
Loved how it started happy and became sadder. Naija, what can we say? That fb status, smh, lol. Look forward t your next post.
I love the poem, I love Nigeria. Repping naija anyday.
LOL. "I was born into a family where a baby was never called ugly.
Good poem.
Nice poem.
And LMHO!!!! @ that FB Status. WTH!!!
Nice poem... even nicer fb status.
this was really good leggy, rang so true.
eeeeeeeeeeew at that FB status.
9ja for life!!!
Oh loved this, great post. You give me joy leggy lol.
P.S: I have joined the rest of the world on twitter, what's your name so I can find you? Mine's cliquechick. I know it sounds weird but practically everything else was taken lol.
Love this poem,permission to steal??
Yea Proudly Nigerian.
love love love the poem
fav line: 'the aroma of soup boiling over. feet stomping on the stairs running for food'
Damn it Leggy!!! I have seriously underrated your writing prowess!!!! Chai!!!
Really well written!! Kudos!..
Leggychukwu baby.. this is good. lol @ facebook status.
I had to read this again. very good."my beloved birthplace"
i rep naija all day.,..everyday
Deep and profound!!! That fb status is rib cracking
You write really well...me likey this mucho!!
LOL@ that status...wow!
iLike the way you write, did I mention that??
I am Nigerian
abi naija 4 life
Nice girl!
I love!!!
Couldnt send over ma "why are you unique?" mail cos its so long,so I put it up as a post.....you could check it out!
Don't think I've ever commented... but damn this was sooo good!! Loved it!!
& yes! Go Saints!!!!! I really hope they win!
yeah well written ,we all are bloody nigerian
i co-sign ~B~..she wrote exactly what went through my mind as i read it...this was a great piece
na you biko, love love this post...thanks for the get well wish. Miss ya Leggy
leggy you are on my mind oh. hope you're good. anyway i have a backlog of comments lol...i will get there, working my way slowly. eventually.
aww i rlly luv dis!
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