contrary to popular belief, no songs went off when i saw him, i didnt walk in to that room in slow motion and he didnt look up at me with the sudden realisation that we were meant to be. the scenario above would have been nice but contrary to the romantic comedies, none of that happened. instead, we argued.
i said his name was ridiculous, he said he thought i was very igbo(which i am and proudly too.). so no, we didn't start off on the right foot, but at least we started off on a foot huh?that's something right?
insults became our thing, i thought he was too tall, he thought i was too tall for a girl..i said he was dumb, he said i looked like a worn out broom every time i put on heels...to which i begged to differ.
the insults turned into discussions held long into the wee hours of the night and we used to try to keep track of how many minutes we had spoken since we met, i was so sure it was 480,000minutes..he thinks its 479999minutes.
he thinks im attractive. 'i know', i always reply
he thinks im vain. 'if i dont love me who will?', i always retort.
i find that the fact that since his time in america he has never had one black girlfriend, all white, is very interesting; he thinks that the fact that i think my Japanese friends are ridiculously cute is a classic case of the pot calling the kettle black. to which i replied: but you do know that you are black right?
gazing at the stars and trying to spot stars in the starless city that we live in is our thing.
no.this isn't a post about how we fell in love, this is a post about our friendship.
the fact that he sends me hilarious voice messages whenever he travels telling me how many stars he counted in the skies.
that part of our friendship where he makes me laugh till i cant catch my breath.
he sends me pictures of very ridiculous things, like a girl with her butt crack showing with messages like:doesnt this bear a remarkable resemblance to your face?
the fact that he makes me feel good about myself whenever i talk to him.
that kind of guy who put the man in manhood
who knows how to make a girl's heart beat to his footsteps.
and even though we have 4 years between us, we still understand each other very well.
i do not finish his sentences.
i do not know what he is thinking before he says it.
but i listen to what he has to say when he does say it.
he's probably the worst cook you'd ever meet, he thinks wherever he has to put salt then sugar has to follow suit, he thinks that putting the most ridiculous things in food and adding red wine makes him a chef.
his igbo is nothing to write home about regardless of the fact that he speaks english, french and spanish fluently. so i insult him in igbo while he teaches me all the dirty words no respectable professor will teach me in french class.
this post was definitely in rambles and pieces but thats how our friendship is.full of randoms.
i spoke to him last night for two hours.
so since we've met, we've spoken for 480,120 minutes, he thinks we have spoken for 480,119minutes.
see how he infuriates me?
im late for work so im going to skip the process of looking for a favourite facebook status.
hope you guys are doing well? im so eager to move into my new apartment which comes furnished!!im shopping for beddings though.heard j.c.penny is having a sale so im definitely going to check them out!!i want to decorate in pink!!
have a good week ahead.
im updating a lot arent i?
~You'll always be my best friend, you know too much!"~
that's really sweet. y all pink? you don't seem like a pink person
I almost envy that sorta friendship...
Lovely friendship. I see something else growing,:)
Sweet :)
oh, and too tall? TOO tall? NO guy is ever too tall XD :P (heh)
love this post. you two seem so sweet together.
amazing post this is
Interesting friendship u have :)
I wish I was moving into my own apartment too!
Awwwww...that's a friendship to hole on to for real...congrats on d new place!
awwwwwww aint this cute? nice...but hope when it passes friendship u'll let us know o.
pink? emm...u don't seem like a pink person at all. tis all gud doe, i like pinkkk.
when the time is right, allow it graduate from friendship
Loving this, Leggy. Totally wowee-ish! Lovely.
jealous of this your friendship, take your time and let is develop
Awwww so cute!!
I loveeeeeeeee pink, want a new apartment too.
silly leggy...
nice post.
This is a nice post leggy
It speaks of deeper things
This sounds like the beginning of a love story.
lol fabulola summed it up well, he even reminds me of that your family friend at home, lol...oooh I know its not the same person though. This was sweet, but even if you liked him wud u admit to yourself and us? lol tell the truth :)
lol i agree with lola. You guyz have a beautiful friendship..
LEGGY!!! Do i smell something?
It's been a while...how are you?
lovely friendship you have got here
Hmmmmm, I feel nostalgic..
I had that, once, maybe twice.
Emosh. Loves. This. !!
Emosh. Loves. This. !!
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