for some reason ive been in a very good mood all day.
so i watched gossip girl today, i love that show, i especially love chuck and blair they are my favourite characters on that show and i even have their picture as my desktop background.
watching this episode of gossip girl reminded me of my friend 10.
10 is the best guy friend ive ever known. he is the one person im missing at home, he is that one person in your life that you know you could never forget.
10 used to be there for me at all times, at all points in my life, whether i was right or wrong, i used to cry to him, i used to laugh with him. i totally loved him. i wasnt in love with him, i just loved him.
he is one of those friends you never forget, and his smile just made you want to smile with him, his smile caused the sun to peek out of the sun cos trust me his smile will steal the sun's job hands down without even applying for it. he is tall, taller than i am and he used to place his hands on my head and tell me how short i am...and im pretty tall.
he lived quite close to my house and we used to chat all night, he was in my class and everytime he'd load credit, he'd send me half of it(you guys know you can share loaded credit in nigeria right?). we used to text all night, i could never go to sleep without a text from 10, we would talk sometimes till the next day. we'd also talk on phone, he'd come to my house. we were really really close.
i could tell 10 everything.i remember when i was sick in nigeria and i missed school for so many days, i was so mad that he didnt come to see me, i was in such a bad mood that when he finally came two days later, i asked him what he would have done if i had died before he came to see me...and he said...' i could hear your heart beat all the way from my house, if you died, dont you think i would feel it?'.
now, this is sounding like we had something between us,nope. we were just friends. were there sexual tension?yes!!but you had to know the kind of person 10 was in the first place.
he was the class joker, the guy everyone loved, the one who always asked that stupid question in class just to make the teacher angry, that smart one who looks totally clueless, he was our senior prefect in our set and he was the neatest guy ive ever seen till date. ive never seen or met any other boy since i left secondary school who could be as neat as that boy, no matter how long we stayed in school or how long he ran on the school field with his uniform on, he'd still come out with his canvas still so white and still smelling so good!!
10 was the greatest boy, ever!!
and lots of my friends used to speculate about us and i used to deny it a lot and say there was nothing between us and there really wasnt but whenever people said anything to him, he'd just look at me and laugh..he never responded.
i remember a time in our jss3 when this girl slapped him cos he made a joke about her and the whole class laughed, when the girl slapped him , he turned looked at the girl for a minute, laughed and said..'you are so lucky you're a girl'.
10 was full of life, he was nice, he was that person who never said a bad word about anybody, and that was what i absolutely loved about him, he was a genuinely nice person.to tell you the truth 10 was and still is the nicest boy ive ever met, he never made jokes at your expense, he'd stand up for me no matter what happened.
what i loved most about him?10 is the most naive guy ive ever met, naive in every sense of the word!!
he'd know what was on my mind just like that and even before i'd say something he'd say..'dont say that!!' and i'd be like..'i havent even said anything' and he'd be like..'you were thinking it'.lol
i remember telling him that i was going to travel abroad for my college degree and i remember talking to him on phone and i started missing him even then.and i never saw him, we'd just speak on the phone and talk about everything i was going to do and people i was going to meet.
on the day i travelled, i called him when they called the boarding ish, and he told me:
'leggy, ive thought about what im going to say to you but i cant really think of anything so im just going to miss you'
and i said:'ooh, we are probably going to get married'..i said this jokingly cos from the onset of our friendship he always joked about marrying me...
and he laughed and replied:
p.s:this post didnt do 10 justice at all. he was perfect in my eye and still is, hence the pen name '10'.
p.p.s:i know my friend berry will read this and have something to say but um letting y'all know that no, i am def not lusting after him.i just love him....as a friend...i think.
p.p.p.s:i have to study for my finals next week, so no more posts till that is over.
~~ "A Friend may well be reckoned the masterpiece of Nature."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 - 1882) US poet & essayist.~~
~~ True friendship consists not in the multitude of friends, but in their worth and value.-ben jonson~~
~~When we honestly ask ourselves which person in our lives means the most us, we often find that it is those who, instead of giving much advice, solutions, or cures, have chosen rather to share our pain and touch our wounds with a gentle and tender hand. The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with us in an hour of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate not knowing, not curing, not healing and face with us the reality of our powerlessness, that is a friend who cares.-henri nowen~~
I loveeee gossip girls,like blair too but dont like chuck.lol
10 must be a very good guy,but are you sure he has no feelings for you,you never can tell.
All the best in your finals.
yeah nice one,hope you are still contacting 10,wish you good luck in your exams
First, It's cool to see you enjoy Gossip Girl...anyways...it seems 10 was the guy from Heaven...personally crafted by God... it's all good though!!!
Success in your finals!!!
the best of the best in ur finals. do us proud ait. God\s speed.
"My Name is Chuck Bass, Even the Europeans must know what that means"
I looooove the Bassness!! lol
Awwww...10 sounds like the best mate after slice bread. lol
All the best in your finals!
i want my own chuck bass :(
...and im hating you for talking about the perfect friend when im wanting one myself. its hard to get friends like 10. i envy you.
good luck with em finals darling. we all know u're going to knock em dead
All the best in ur finals.
your friend, 10, sounds like my friends {K. and K.} i hope u both reunite soon...
Some of my gfs would do anything for gossip girl.. some show it must be.
Do you and 10 still keep in touch? Good luck in your exams girl.. go get 'em.
sometimes such friendships make beautiful marriages and who knows,maybe you just think you weren't in love with him cos everyone said you were an item.
ur finals eh, Go knock them dead..
i love the way u refer to the men in numbers!!!
loool...10 must have been really amazing in ur eyes, i can only imagine.
i heart gossip girl
i gueesd as much wot d 10 meant
all d best in ur final
I have a final today and Thursday...good luck in yours...
God's grace in your exams.
Hope you are still in touch with 10. He can still be your confidante even if you don't marry him.
All the best.
Don't watch Gossip Girl, but 90210...Holla. Now that is my show. i would swim to the ends of River Niger just to watch it.
10 seems like a good guy :)
You wrote this as if you guys don't talk anymore. What happened? He sounds really nice but no one is perfect. He did crack a joke at the expense of the girl that slapped him.
All the best in your finals, take care dear...
hmm just don't forget to invite us to your wedding :) lol
goodluck with finals too sweets.
I love Gossip girl.i have the theme song as my ringtone.
Loved the post and quotes. Show those finals what you are made of!
P.s Friends like 10 are so hard to find. You are lucky.
10 must really be the perfect friend for YOU to give him a 10! I love chuck! He's so sophisticated and... *sigh*
Good luck with the exams too... kill it!
Never got into gossip girl..
Ur friend seems like a cool lad..
Gluck with finals.
just hearing about your friewnd and i love him too.
he sounds really perfect and you say you did not do him justice.
heya, he must be a saint
anyways, lovely post, really sincere.
Ma cuz lookd at me as if I'm nuts when I said Blair and Chuck are ma fav.........
All d best in your finals,dear!
10 sounds like a really cool guy *and I think he might like you as more than just a friend ;)* Good luck with your finals!
leggy, did you hear yourself?
"you think"
if you think you are not in love
with him, i'll agree
but he may have been with you
and you may have been with him
but you never realised it...
hope you've been good?
missed you and good luck with your
no be small wahala aproko girls dey cause o.walahi.
Good luck for ur finals. God guides
Good luck with your finals... No comment on your friend 10...
i can now see the yard stick u use for other guys.
u may get married (maybe!!!)
Girl, call it what you may but you loved 10. I guess the true test is when you go home and hang out with him, you can check to see if you guys still had what you had because people do grow up and get different.
Chuck Bass is the bizzness! Hard to believe he is british. Anyways, GG has been dry lately.
heck you were and maybe still are head over heels with 10. Keep us updated when you go home sha lets know if the spark will turn into fire lol. oooh i used to love gossip girl but im soo behind it, and all my shows. I do recommend true blood tho!
I hate serena, at least chuck and blair are ok. yes, how were your exams or have you not finished them yet?
Never really gotten into the Gossip girl. I just don't know why
1st time on here and loving this post already :)
leggy...just so you know,...u made me cry looool...10 reminds me of my high school bestie :S **sniffs** omg! i have to bind every spirit of emotion in me! ahn ahn!
...i currently have a 10...not exactly as u say but...close enough....this got me thinking....lol
first 8.5 now 10?
Ok o...
Girl, are you sure you did not just make that boy up??? He is perfect! I mean, he always, ALWAYS smelled good? Wow...hold that one tight o! Last last, if that boyfriend does not show up by 2012, you can hook him! Lol...
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