i love the subject chemistry and i love chemistry too. when i was young my mum would tell my dad that a couple's chemistry was really strong...and my sisters would come home and complain about their chemistry teacher...and well at a young age i put two and two together and got six and figured that if you pass the class then a boy would love you very much...or you could make him love you...but i wondered why hot girls like my sisters didnt have boyfriends because they were passing the class...so i figured it was because they didnt like the class.
then i got into primary five and got my first mills and boons from my bestfriend at that time...and the emphasis on chemistry was also there...i didnt fully understand the novel cos i was just in primary five but i loved the way it made me feel...made me believe that i was going to find the man that i loved and we'd fall in love and get married and live happily ever after.oh boy! did romance novels ruin me or what?i read all types historical,modern..name it...got into secondary school and it became worse..became aware of guys..and thought i was going to find a guy that i'd date through out secondary school...till date i don't know what happened to my plan..i dont know what happened to the date as much as you can..lol.
what brought this up you might ask? i just spoke to a friend of mine,'mee'..and i asked her about her boyfriend 'zeze'..and
me: zeze kwanu?
mee:he is fine oh,hes in school..but we talk everyday.
me:oh,you guys are still together? how long now?
mee:2years,7 months and five days
me:lol.na wa oh,you know it down to the day?..good for you..im happy for people like you oh..if its me i'd feel trapped.
mee:me i feel trapped
me:then why are you still in the relationship?
mee:because i still love him and i cant leave him...noway.
me:its good your in love oh,lol,but this one your saying noway...did you people do life convenant?
mee:lol, no oh..even though i feel trapped,i still love him and i know he loves me too and zeze is a wonderful boy.
me:i concur.
you know what shut me up?the fact that she said he is a wonderful boy..not he is cute..which he is...i dont know how you will love someone and still feel trapped but ive never even been in a relationship so i never comment on anybody's relationship or give advice..i always keep my opinions to myself!
i always admired people back in secondary school who had the guts to go into relationships and i admired some relationships....
number one on my list was bear and OC.....OC was everybody's favourite boy..he was so funny,proverbial class clown,all the girls loved him and he was my very good friend..he used to tease me all the time and me like all other people never pictured him with a girl...well until he asked out bear..and she was the only girl he asked out in secondary school.noone believed it because well he was our clown...he was always laughing at people's relationships and joking about them and so we never even pictured him as someone who would ever like a girl.
well,they used to seat opposite each other in class..and they used to stare at each other all day long...my friend zin would tap me and say look at bear and OC and we would nudge bear and say 'earth to bear' or walk to OC's seat and snap our fingers in his face.lol...and since i was bear's friend..she'd call me in the night and i'd hear priviledged information..the songs he'd call her and play for her...i loved that relationship and thats number one on my list!!!
number two was sparxx and dee....dee was a proverbial playboy...he was cute so i don't blame him..girls loved him and he loved girls..his parents were very rich,he spent their money on girls and he went through them like he went through his sneakers (which he had a lot of)..sparxx was pretty...we were best friends and we looked alike....and then dee swoops in and sweeps her off her feet while he was dating her friend(we didnt know that at that time though)...i loved their relationship..he was exciting,he was very intelligent and he was fun..i loved the gist that came with him...so this ranks as my number two best.
number three was my friend leslie and her older boyfriend,uc...uc was a university undergraduate and they ve been dating and this year is the 3rd year..i love this relationship....they are totally honest with each other..the way they talka nd insult each other eeh,makes me laugh...they are first friends and thats what i love about this.and they are still going very strong!!!lol
sometimes i wonder why life is so unfair...i was the best in chemistry in my set,i won awards for that in school and in naija but still chemistry never liked me back!lmao!
p.s:this post is from my last blog..its one of my favourites.
-my friend signed me up for twitter on saturday without letting me know, when i found out i decided to use it anyway but i still dont know how to use it and my phone keeps buzzing with the twitter stuff making me wake up in the middle of the night cos i think its my alarm ringing. is there a way i can delete the account or stop the buzzes coming to my phone?
- i hate school, i seriously hate school...i go cos im good at it.
have a great week ahead.
First? Yippee! You could de-activate(?) the 'send notifications to my phone' option.
I Love the chemistry analogy... kept me giggling as tho I were in sec. sch all over again! Mmccchhhhheeeewww yesss oooo those M&B mess u up, you keep thinking its all roses till u marry... they don't tell u u have to go thru thorns to get to the good stuff... Despite that, don't give up oooo, your chemistry may just have loads of intermediate synthesis reactions inbetween before you get to the final product... so chemistry may like u, u just don't know it yet!
Lol @ "i was the best in chemistry in my set,i won awards for that in school and in naija but still chemistry never liked me back!"
But i think chemistry likes you its you that doesn't like it,you don't want to be in a relationship because you think you are not ready for it.Maybe the best is yet to come sha.
i stalk your blog....dis is my first comment!
i hated chemistry...i guess i should have paid more attention in chemistry class, instead of looking at all the cute boys underneath my scanty lashes....now i am sure they knew i was looking and i thought i was so stealthy!
anyhooz i guess being good or bad at chemistry doesnt help....who knows it could help you in the future..me? i give up.
my monumental question is.........if chemistry doesnt help you with chemistry,what helps then?
Lol. Funny one. Dont mind chemistry jo, it's just taking it's time, it'll find u.
LOL...Well, I always hated Chemistry, so what does that say about me??? he he he
But i'm sure you'll find your "chemistry" soon...as long as he's making the same range in salary with you (I heard u on Vera's radio show)...lol...but seriously I respect cuz u know what u want and won't settle!
YAYY twitter
so what's your twitter name?
come on share!
Funny how you relate the subject with the emotions. Creative. Cool.
lol...i loved the chemistry comparisons...but yea, i was good in chemistry but so far not good in "chemistry" - imma be praying, in God's own time
I liked this a lot, got me smiling at the cuteness. I also read a lot of M&B and I love that I did. LOL.
i love Chemistry, all types....buh i didn't put your own two plus two together.
M&B and all them oda books, stated reading them in lyk Primary 3 or so and I understood everything....i used to skip the sex part sha then....i don't read them anymore.
i love Chemistry, all types....buh i didn't put your own two plus two together.
M&B and all them oda books, stated reading them in lyk Primary 3 or so and I understood everything....i used to skip the sex part sha then....i don't read them anymore.
I loathed chemistry badly! so i sharply dropped it after JS3. on the other type of chemistry only experienced it once!
i'm also a big fan of other pples relationships tho those of the fictional nature. sad i know!
LOL valentines Day is on its way. I love chemistry aswell o, not the school kind though, the other one. LOOL
Lal didnt exactly hate It,but i didnt give two bout chemistry,now it seems not to give two about me.
Nice blog you got here
those mills and bon books never ever gave me any ideas...i only read them cos i felt like it, not because i expected my prince charming to come get me on a white stallion hehe
Lol finally u join twitter..
U can't stop the change hun, it's unstoppable lol.
Oh my days... I can totally see how you confused chemistry an chemistry. Poor child. LOL
Don't worry love... you're young. Your own is coming
lol.....love ur blog
i read them m&bs too. they actually do mess u up. i havent been in a relationship either but not bcos i d feel trapped but cos "he" is never perfect enough, ...it is well sha
I never got the M & B thing cos I felt like they were all the same. My own weakness came in form of Romantic movies instead... The Notebook being a case in point... Chemistry can be a real bitch when it seems to have stolen Cupid's arrows and shot them at every one except you...
About loving someone and feeling trapped... I do think that is possible. Feeling a depth of emotion for someone doesn't stop you from wondering what your life would have been like without them. Maybe, you would have had different opportunities, experiences etc... I guess, that's one way to look at it...
i knew this post was familiar
it was the first i ever read on your blog
i was hooked from that day
thumbs up girlie
welcome to twitfam.....
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good you love chemistry,its a very interesting subject for science students,used to be an addict but now no more
Hey kiddo...
Honestly loathe chemistry, including the teacher, could swear she had a knack for dissing for me...but of the type which concerns relationships..I'm a sucker for it.
This is nice...love it
Leggy, do we know each other in real life? Or are ya just psychic? Seriously I love chemistry too but my problem with 'chemistry' is that I don't know how the experiments will turn out so In don't bother cuz ~I'm trying to avoid getting burned. Cowardly? Yes. Am I ashamed of it? Not on your life!
and u fell. tsk. wats ur twitter ID?
I did chemistry for a year in SS1 before deciding to go to Arts/Commercial class. I did ok in Chem & Physics but i just couldnt find love for the subjects or the lecturers. . . lol @ d comparisms. The subject of love and relationships is kinda overrated these days and the irony of it all is the fact that the most undeserving of people turn out to be the lucky ones in most cases regardless of their smartness at academic or romantic chemistry. lol
arrggghhh its so annoying that i cant reply comments on my blog so i have to reply here...better listen oo! i gree that marriage is choosing to tolerate in collabo with compatibility...nice stuff...whats your email addy bbe?
i hate chemistry
loved the subject
the reality is
not so good.
So I have this thing where I say I'm going to die a virgin. Everyone says yeah right but I can do it. I think.
So 'cause of that, Mills & Boon - uhm, those books are kind of MY own sex life. Hah.
But of course I know it's not real. But it does me strong thing.
I should sit and think of my fav relationships too. I think my parents come first. My dad's 48 soon and my mum is 40 yet they act like 16 year olds. Its annoying and it's something I look up to at the same time.
ooooooooooo...(complaining) WHERE IS THE FAVOURITE FACEBOOK STATUS? ITS BEEN TAKEN OVER BY TWITTERING TALK...I WAS LOOKING FORWARD TO IT!...lol nice post but incomplete...me i no no chemistry hate it with a passion cos i dont see the relevance to my daily life..(sobbs)
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