i wrote about my experiences in connecticut last summer when i spent a couple of days there after summer school(where i met yinkuslolo :-)), well, a catch phrase my nephew used to use a lot was..'im a terrible terrible person' esp. when he wanted to keep his daddy's reprimands really short..he'd admit the offence and tell his dad..'im so sorry, i know that im a terrible terrible person'.lol.
sometimes that phrase cracks me up but have you ever been a situation when you went like..'im a terrible. terrible person'.
i once took a $1 lip balm from walmart without paying for it and i really dont know why i did that...the worse part was that i had bought a lot of things from walmart that day and i paid for all of them and then took a lip balm without paying for it intentionally.
some part of me took that lip balm cos i was mad at walmart for making me pay that much and come to think of it...its not like they are going to suddenly go bankrupt cos someone took a $1 lip balm without paying.
this was a 'im a terrible, terrible person moment for me'.
there was a time in my jss3 when a friend told me that she liked a guy and she asked me to go and ask the guy if he liked her and i never even asked the guy i just texted her and told her that the boy doesnt like her and the girl never spoke to him again.
i spoke to the boy this morning and he was telling me that till today he doesnt know why the girl stopped talking to him and i thought..'im a terrible, terrible person'.
they could have been soulmates you know?
today someone called me 'skinny' and i called her 'fat'.
for some reason i felt very bad and embarrassed and i ended up apologising cos i just felt like a 'terrible, terrible person'.
why are fat people allowed to call us skinny anyway?we should be getting offended too.
in my primary 5, i poured ground charcoal inside water, mixed it and poured it on a guy's head, then beat him up.
no kidding, in primary 5, i was gangsta oh...i saw the boy in dallas and this boy is handsome and tall and hot and he kept telling people how i beat him up abd they kept looking at me like 'im a terrible, terrible person'. everytime i came next to them they looked scared..lol...skinny mini me?
it was worth enduring...we did exchange numbers after all.and i promise you, hes a hottie!!!!!!!!
i once told a guy in my secondary school that someone died in my family the day he asked me out and so i couldnt agree for him cos it was badluck...the boy went to offer condolences to my mum when she came to pick us from school and my mum set him straight..he never spoke to me again.
in my primary three, i promised to buy someone a walkman if she made me her bestfriend..lol.foolish much?
she waited for the walkman for a very long time oh...shes still waiting.
i told my lil sister that if she looks into the mirror at night she'd see a witch...in my defence, thats what a former househelp in my house told me...she doesnt do that till date.
i once promised a boy in my primary 2 that i'd marry him on the football field if he brought me a ring...he told his mum, who told my mum and i got beat up...so i went to school and 'mistakenly' hit his head on his desk.ode.
i once told my bestfriend in primary 4 that we had 10 cars and 16 houses with body guards cos she just wouldnt for once shut up about her mum's watch being gold....hey dont look at me like that....she was very off putting about it.
i have a friend whose boyfriend has been insinuating that they have sex, the guy is a douche bag by the way and for her birthday he got her stuff from victoria secret and asked her to wear it, take a picture of herself and send it to him.....serious much?
i dislike this guy, i wish my friend would stop dating him cos i think that he is 'a terrible, terrible person'.
i'd like to know something you feel guilty about that you did in secondary or primary school that you still feel guilty about. i'd really love to know, so pls leave a comment.
p.s:thanks you guys for following me...i had to rebuild my blog and i already have 54 followers.thanks.
fave facebook status of the day: People try to hide their pain. But they're wrong. Pain is something to carry, like a cellphone. You feel your strength in the experience of pain. It's all in how you carry it. That's what matters. Pain is a feeling. Your feelings are a part of you. Your own reality. If you feel ashamed of them, and hide them, you're letting society destroy your reality. You should stand up for your right to feel your pain.
i hope you have a lovely week and if you have already started school....chee yah, sorry. sleep at least 7 hours a day.
I told someone who loved me I loved them back just to secure potential chances of getting laid... I am a terrible terrible person... ;)
p.s. boys do it all the time so THERE!
i once wrote a love letter to my sister when i was in high school, she thought it was a boy and she was so happy :( i didnt have the heart to tell her it was a prank, and i havent disillusioned her till date. im a terrible terrible person
I once "talked" or flirted with 3 guys at the same time, I already knew who i wanted to be with, nonetheless, I still lead the other 2 on just to tell them no. I'm a terrible terrible person... not! In my defense, I am advancing women in the playa sturves. lol.
some of these stories make me laugh..lol...kai!! u were sha wicked oh!!
mehn..i once told a friend "you kno wat...ur more intelligent when u shut up"
it was intended as a joke but her and her mum gave me this look like "wtf???"
i'm a terrible terrible person
i made her feel bad..shes still one of my closest friends sha..so yay!!
I and some friends wrote a love letter to a mate as a guy she had a crush on and she was so happy but it turned out to be a serious case leading to expelling the girl and suspending some students because she was telling everyone that the guy likes her which made the guy angry. W e're terrible terrible people...
OK...so my elder sister and I had a fight so I tore her dictionary... she loved that dictionary
em.....My mum came home from work very early one afternoon, and I had just finished smoking some weed, and as u know, my eyes were blood-shot, and I had to go say welcome to her. She saw my eyes and asked if I had contracted "apollo" and I said "no mum, I just got from the shower and I had some soap in my eyes"....yeah, I know, I'm a terrible, terrible person.
Shorty is BAD!!!
Me, I've not done anything.
You were a tomboy o!
Lol I loved this, it was cute and funny..
But idk what to share, because that would mean I have to think of what to share.. then after thinking of what to share I have to deem it appropraite to share or not.. After deeming it appropraite I have to make sure that will not come back to haunt me when I enter politics 10 years from now..
Then after taking all these things into consideration, it behooves me to just click on PUBLISH YOUR COMMENT and I head back to my dashboard..
I am an angel, bite me. LOL...
I once plucked a flower and squeezed the juice into a senior's bottle of drinking water.............i was really tired when she sent me!.
I love yours Sirius......LOL!
Nice piece,girl!!!
Feel ur pain??
Carry ur pain like ur cellphone?????
That dsnt make sense...y wud u want to do that?
And yah Im a saint too ...lol
lol @ Azazel but yes I'm wth him.
All I can say is I can be a terrible terrible person sometimes.
lol @ Azazel but yes I'm wth him.
All I can say is I can be a terrible terrible person sometimes.
@fabulola...my point exactly..its really really funny.
i was with a group of friends and we were waiting outside a club. One of the guys was trying to be funny so he pointed to my outfit and said
'this dress na wa o! how market?'
i said 'ask your papa. he still get gonorrhea?'
i know...im a terrible terrible person
About fat people being allowed to call skinny people, and skinny people not being able to return the favour...err thats BS, I'm neither of the two so being neutral i can abuse both shey?? lmao
Well i once lied to my mum that i saw the househelp put something in my food and so i wasn't eating because of that, truth is i hated the housegirl and i wanted her to go, my mum sent her away...i know...i'm a terrible terrible person *hangs head in shame*
lol at you telling the guy that he brought bad luck to your family,i wonder how he would ve look at himself
this made me smile
i once threw a friends bag away that contained all her notebooks and some text books i flung it over the school fence cos i felt she stole a friend of mine and they were excluding me..i even helped her look for it when she noticed it was missin.
i know i am a terrible terrible person
loool...this was really funny!!
i'm usually good buh just ydae, i told some random girls how some fresh boy they were really feelin flunked outta school just so they would know i knew him! i kno, terrible, terrible!
OMG!! you made me laugh so hard this morning, naughty naughty you..
wit this post u remind me of me so much. lol. i did beat up sum1 in pri 3 or 4, skinny, mini me oh.
i purposely ruined a d8 last nyt, nd he hsnt stopd apologising...
there r a mil nd 1 mo terrible tns running thru my mind, but i shall kip dem, jst there...
LMAO!!! BBB id do d same thing i hate friends like dat mschEwwWW! i once lied in primary 2 dat i was a princess of a town...cuz diz stoopid girl kept goin on about hw she was 1 too...i didnt want to feel escluded :(
Leggy!!.....all dese pranks??!!!.....u brutal gaaan ooooo!!! lol
OMG, this is really funny.
Nice read
haha, if I began to confess, we'd be here for a while.
Happy new year!
LOL..Omg you were meaaan!
I was very innocent as a child ^_^
you stole from Walmart???? *GASP* hahaha I am just kidding here. But I agree like why is it that when we call fat people 'FAT' they get offended yet when we are called skinny its ok..geez discrimination lol (am not being serious)
lol...it was a nice post though!
Lol, leggy, only u? U are a terrible terrible person...
I once flung a friend's phone from the window of a two-storey building cos he wudnt stop bothering me... Hey, i'm not so terrible, after all i warned him first!
my bofriend was leaving me 4 a chick and so happens that I could be a good hacker when I wanted, so I hacked into his email box and composed a mail to me and the chick.. describing me in derogatory terms and all.. bottomline.. na so so wahala the thing cause, while me.. I sat back and had a secret laugh while fronting to be hurt and angry and watching him try to explain and all.. Sick huh?
Don't even say it.. I'm a terrible terrible person..
Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!Im cracked up wt laffing....I once put my biro (ballpoint up) under a friends buttocks while he was standing(answering a question in class)...He sat down wt a sharp yell...U r crazy crazy and I love crazy.!
lmao the entire time I'm reading this. funny as I don't know what. I have so many "I'm a terrible, terrible person" stories though I'll only share one: i broke my sister's nose after she showed my mom my diary where I'd written I liked a boy and wanted him to kiss me. i was in 4th or 5th grade and my mom nearly killed me.
am really lol and people should not call us skinny .
my friend saw that i braided my and wanted to make hers d nxt day and i wasnt in d mood so i did complete nonsense on her head that she had to loose it d nxt day."im a terrible,terrible person lol
i lovee...off to do ma own confession
Creative stuff. Even as a kid. you are a terrible terrible perzon. lol
i stole bathroom slippers in boarding house in ss3
someone stole mine and i stole another gal's own
i used to be afraid she's put a hex on me, was afraid God would never forgive me and i confessed the sin every six month.
was glad when i finally understood righteousness. with God, once he forgives you, he forgets, its you and other humans who keep obsessing over sin, God can't behold sin...
STEALING BATHROOM SLIPPERSin boarding school IS NOT BAD, its norm.
in secondary school i had a friend whom we used to steal m&bs together,one would distract, the other would steal, we'll now tear the first page and wrap it with calendar with the title "eze goes to school" on it.then we would tear it in half, she gets one and i get one. we read quite a number this way. i wont say we were so terrible cos when we finish we return it back to the original owner.
also , i wanted to experiment how tight security was rily n all these shops tht claimed they had a security camera in the uk , so i went in the changing room with a belt and some other items i liked.i wasnt wearing a belt a belt and i removed that their tag, the one tht beeps,and i wore the belt right out of the shop. it was thrilling. i love taking risks.
and i could go on and on.
Oh my days... your life is special lol.
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